Our Story
Metsik Toit is a platform for different activities and research projects that gathers people with various backgrounds, who are united by their interest in wild food, fermentation and food culture. We conduct research as well as collaboration projects around the uses and advancement of wild food and fermentation culture.
Based in Estonia, we are inspired by the region’s rich foraging culture and long history of diverse fermentation and preservation practices.
Metsik Toit (“wild food” in Estonian) is a play on the Estonian words for forest (“mets”), wild (“metsik”) and food (“toit”), in a way combining the key ingredients of our endeavour. WILD/METSIK indicates our unconstrained attitude towards what FOOD/TOIT is and can be. The natural environment around us is full of edible potential, still we are not necessarily used to experiencing it as such. Our goal is to urge people to get to know and value the edible nature around them and to experiment with the flavours, textures and aromas of wild plants.
Similarly WILD and unconstrained is the abundant world of fermented foods and drinks, where microorganism and humans work together in a weird symbiotic harmony, creating extraordinary and wonderful sensuous food experiences. Also, yet another meaning for WILD appears here. Namely, did you know that homemade fermented food and drinks are almost always created using WILD microorganisms (yeasts, fungi etc) that live in abundance side-by-side with us?
METS (forest) is a truly characteristic landscape in Estonia, but also a significant cultural archetype and a place of escape and relaxation for estonians. For us, it is also a place of work. We forage from Estonia’s forests, but also from other natural landscapes such as seashores, wetlands and meadows, sometimes even urban landscapes, though always keeping in mind the principles of sustainable and ethical foraging and that the areas where we forage are clean from any kind of waste. The foraged food typically ends up on Metsik Toit’s wild food and fermentation events or gets used in our workshops and product development projects.
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